Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You CAN go home just can't stay for too long

Family and Fish: after three days they stink.

This is usually the addage that I subscribe to when spending time with my family. It's not that I don't love them or they don't love me. We get along fine and we talk all thetime even when i'm not home.

We are simply very different people. We love and respect each other, my mom, brother, and I, but we don't always understand each other. Over time, it's just been an unspoken agreement that while I'm home, we are all on our best behavior and only deal with the good things.

I like it this way. This way works. And this time, in particular, it's working GREAT. So far, so good, anyway. This is the best visit home I've had in four years. I don't really know what's so different, but somehow, I think maybe the official lines have been drawn in the sand. I'm an adult. I'm out of school, I'm moving to LA to get a big girl job at a university, and *gasp* I'm paying for it myself. So the tone of the trip is different in that respect, I suppose.

PLUS, I'm having a GREAT time with some old friends. It's weird how some people stay with you forever and other people fall away.

The older I get, the more I TREASURE and VALUE old friends and true friends. And when you have one that is both old and true, DO NOT LET THAT PERSON OUT OF YOUR LIFE. It's tough to find people who REALLY know you. They know where you came from, have seen it first hand, and know you for who you are today. There's power in that kind of bond. Learn to respect it and take very good care of it.

*sigh* And Saturday, I hit the road to start my next adventure: Los Angeles, here I come!! Now let's hope that the city doesn't spit me out.

And in a city that big, let's hope for dating, fun, and the feeling of knowing you matter to someone.

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