Saturday, February 12, 2011

Obligatory Post

It's been quite some time since I last posted. 
I was thinking it's because I didn't really have much to say or because I was being lazy.
While the latter part of that statement is indeed very likely, the honest truth is I have plenty to say.  I just don't know that I want to dig through all of it and try to string together enough words to make it seem logical to anyone else.
I'm okay.  I mean, life is unexpected and the closer to thirty I get, the more I crave something finite-something that's mine. 
So I'm...working on it.  Scheming, strategizing, trying my best to get a game plan in action.
I have the makings of a good one, it's just....
gotta keep swimming.

And yay, Valentine's Day is Monday (she says in her most deadpan voice).