Sunday, June 14, 2009

Entertaining Angels

Once again, today found me at my happy place (Borders) for a few hours. I like to sit in a cushy chair near the kids' section. The atmosphere is fun and kids are so charming to eavesdrop on! Anyway, there are four of these cushy chairs where I sit, arranged around a small table, and usually full of adults. Today was no exception.
I sat, with my wedding magazine (hey, one of my best buds is getting married) and my crochet (my cousin is having twins!) and joined the three men already seated in 'my spot' for some much needed Jess time.
Pretty immediately, I began to notice that the man diagonally across from me kept staring. He was maybe late 40s, very average, and not even trying to be discreet. EVERY time I looked up from the magazine, he was staring. Later, when I had resumed work on my crochet and would glance up, he was staring. Taking a sip of coffee? Staring. You get the point. Each time I glanced up, I was struck with a different thought. At first, I felt sure there was something in my teeth or on my face. Gradually, though, my thoughts moved away from myself to him. Was he a stalker? A serial killer? Oh, no! He was a serial killer stalker and he was studying me! It seems silly, sure, but after two hours of a strange dude staring at you, you might start to go a little crazy, too.
Finally, he got up to leave. I was about to breathe a huge sigh of relief until he stopped just short of my chair and hesitated. He cleared his thoat and leaned down.
"Excuse me, I-I'm sorry. I never do this. It's just, well, you have such a pretty smile." And with that, he smiled shyly, and walked away.
Stunned, it took me a second to call 'thank you!' to him.
Serial killer stalker indeed. :-)
Immediately, I thought of this scripture passage:
Hebrews 13:2Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Sometimes, church happens at Borders.


jesnicole said...

Had no idea that you had this blog!! Hope you don't mind my reading your thoughts. :) Hopefully we'll get to see each other sometime!!

Anonymous said...

hey! stop by whenever you like, my thoughts are your thoughts ;-)

Martha Cecilia Ovadia said...

you DO have a beautiful smile....