Monday, November 1, 2010

Truthful Musing tinged with Unintentional Meanness

A very strange thing happened to me just now.

I saw your face in a photograph.
The same face I could once draw from memory.
I stared and stared at that pleasing mash up of dark hair and angles.
It felt...odd. 
Like glancing at the face of a stranger on the subway.
I used to see those chocolate eyes and know in a flash what you were thinking.
Now this stranger's brown eyes seem distant and blank.
I would laugh at your silly posing and visualize the context and whatever shenanigan you were enjoying.
Now you just look super gay those jeans shorts.
It's rather like seeing a little known D list celebrity show up to an awards show in the wrong dress--mildly tragic and uninteresting.
There is a strange, vaguely handsome but primarily uninteresting man in this photograph.  He is wearing jeans shorts and a vacant expression.

1 comment:

Josephenecat said...

I know exactly what photograph of which you speak. And yeah...its a weird feeling...