I've had a very packed couple of days and an overall ......HEAVY kind of week. Weird and hard things were just raining down out of the ether, I suppose, and me without my umbrella ;-)
Stewie had an encounter with a rooster today which somehow made him have psycho jungle Vietnam style flashbacks. He turned totally feral and wouldn't let anyone near him and he kept trying to attack me for real and sneak up behind me. Finally he just ended up stalking me and mom for two hours while we were gardening and trying to bite our ankles. Then he ran up into this tree. It's stunts like this one that earned him the nickname Ill Bastardo.
Also, I am in LOVE with my new camera. IN LOVE. LOOOOVE.
And the spring carnival is in town, oh my. Carnivals, especially cheap ones, always feel like this to me:

I miss crazy Stewie!!! Pick him up and squeeeeeeze him for me :)
I squeezed him and said "This is from your Aunti Syl" and he licked my face.
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