Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm calling it.....Cute Underwear Syndrome

Okay, my ladies, I KNOW you will feel me on this:

Have you ever not been having a great day/week/month and so you decide in your infinite widsom....."I need expensive, cute underwear. I must buy it NOW and wear it!"

Now, for any guys who might be reading this: YES, girls do this. YES, it works to fix our mood. YES, we like to picture you seeing us in aforementioned cute underwear. It's empowering. A definite mood fixer.

So where am I going with this?

Have you ever purchased your sexy undies, put them on, strutted around proudly, and then BAM...two hours into your fabulous day, the undies start creeping? Or rolling? Or just generally becoming LESS than sexy? Of course you have. It's happened to us all. How disappointing, right? All you wanted was one friggin good day, right? Victoria's Secret was cheaper than finding a street pharmacist with some Vicodin, right? So at the end of the day, you almost feel worse because now you're broke, your undies are in your ass, and you're back to square one.

Well, I think that sometimes this happens to us with friends, too. We meet someone who is new and exciting and not connected to our immediate circle of friends and we're excited! We try them on......we strut around....we bend, we flex, we enjoy, until BAM!

Underwear in our asses.

Sometimes I just want to look at people and say "You know, you were cool when I saw you on the rack......but you gotta get outta my ass!"

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