So it's been a while since I've posted. LOTS of stuff has gone down. I've moved into a town house with my friend Kat (I will post pics soon). Work is going okay. I'm still at the photography studio. Actually, it's Sunday and I'm at work now because of a gnarly server crash that put us FAR behind, so I'm playing catch up. *sigh* such is life.
Just a few things: be careful what you pray for, because God is faithful to answer. Sometimes getting your heart back means having it broken. Also, be thankful and grateful for the people in your life in whatever capacity they are given. Furthermore, be insanely proud of the amazing talents and accomplishments of the people you love and compliment them often: we all need to know love and grace in tangible ways as well as Heavenly ways. Finally, spend time with your Savior. No one understands you like Him, I promise. Remember, He not only has the owner's manual, He wrote it. Even when you don't understand why He allows things to happen the way they do, sit back in His arms and trust that there is solid reasoning. He loves you, afterall.
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