Hard to see because of the trailer hitch, but it says 'DUSH" not QUITE douche.....but still.
I dream vividly. I alway have.
Sometimes these dreams are boring, everyday kind of dreams (Going for a casual walk with my dog who died years ago). Sometimes they are fun and outrageous (hangliding over the most beautiful lakes and mountains I've ever seen). Sometimes they are horrific (and no, I will not be providing any of those details here). But sometimes, they are.....not good OR bed. More like self-confrontational. I believe, and most logical people would agree, that sometimes when crappy things happen in our dreams or people are mean to us in our dreams, it's really a reflection of how we see ourselves or what we really think about our lives. Sort of the subconscious equivalent of 'In Vino es Veritas.' It's a bit like your brain has had a few too many and decides to tell you what it REALLY thinks about this mess you've gotten yourself into.
Last night, I had one of these dreams.
It's........simultaneously humbling and enlightening to know how you really feel about yourself and your life. To have your insecurities confronted in that manner.
So color me enlightened.
For what it's worth.