Monday, March 22, 2010

Siren/Syren Silliness

So.....I've been secretly working (procrastinating) on a graphic novel blending Norse mythology, the Germanic 'Cinderella' story, real and fabricated 13th century German history, and LOTS of Valkyries with a twist. I'm either calling it Siren or Syren, I THINK, and I starte sketching out character ideas, finally. When I first started writing this story, I was maybe fourteen or so. There's something about telling this particular story that has just stuck with me. At first, I thought it would be a novel. Then, maybe a movie. Ultimately, though, I think the idea lends itself to a really fun graphic novel. So I guess we'll see. Just for fun, I thought I'd post one sketch idea for my lead character, Siren, and the dresses I had in mind for the 'Fates' of the Norse pantheon. Fun fact: this dress is actually one I designed to make for myself to wear to one of my BFF's wedding. It ended up looking very fantasy goddess, so I thought it would be perfect for my Fates!
I know, she is still pretty rough. No textures, no weapons,, no highlight and shadow......but she makes me smile so here she is :-)
See? Won't they be fun....identical dresses (except color) and they will always be posed in a precise tableau. For the moment, though, they're headless and so have NOTHING to say about your fate. heehee.

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